Travel For Growth And Renewal

I’ll be turning sixty-five in just a few short weeks and I’ve been mulling over how to mark the occasion. It will also be the end of my Year of the Child weekly blog-writing initiative. Historically, after a project is complete, I feel drawn to travel. Usually it...

The Mystery Of Self-Care

Part of my coaching training with Integral Coaching Canada involved practices of self-care—our own as well as those we recommended to our coaching clients. The specifics of a practice depends on the individual and whether their system needs more ‘waking up’ or...

We Heal In Connection

This past Friday I attended an event at UBC called Women in Psychedelic Sciences. It was a fundraiser for MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, and four talented young women were on the panel. One of them referenced the work of Nadine Burke...

Weaving The Web

I’m home now in my little ‘womb room’ after a rich and nourishing weekend on Bowen Island. I was there co-facilitating a residential retreat with dear friends Susan Wright and Sharon Halfnight, that was held at our friend Julia’s beautiful Lodge at the Old Dorm....

I Won’t Sing You Lullabies

Nobody has been a bigger friend to my inner little girl than psychotherapist Andrew Feldmár. Our first introduction was in 2002. I was part of a small group that was assisting another therapist with process-oriented workshops, and our cohort met with Andrew to develop...