Embracing Expansion

Mostly I’ve relied on current events to inform these blog posts—birthdays, death days, out-of-town trips and inner contemplations. Today is my dear friend John’s birthday, and no Year of the Child would be complete without a deep and appreciative look in his...

The Magic Of Synchronicity

I’m home from a trip to Kootenays, which included a spectacular week at The Sentinel—a beautiful retreat centre  near Kaslo, on the shores of Kootenay Lake. Good friends, Gillian and Richard, founded The Sentinel three years ago and a group of us have returned every...

Courage Is A Heart Word

One of my most significant ‘assets’, particularly in the career realm, is my ability to work well in an emergency. It comes online without me even thinking about it, and it’s my ace in the hole if the world really does go into the crapper. I call it chaos...

Swimming Naked

There is no question that writing a weekly blog has been an incredible catalyst for me to explore aspects of myself that have long been neglected. Intimate relationships and sexuality are one of the areas I’ve shied away from the most. When I was a young teenager I...

The Power of Completion

Completion seems to be in the air. This past Sunday I helped my housemate, Barry, with the final move-out from his house on Keats Island. This was the last goodbye to a house he had owned with his former wife, Bridget, for 10+ years. Our dear friend Mo came with us....