The Healing House
Have you ever needed somewhere to go where you could catch your breath? A place that could hold you, feed you, love you, and help you sort through the mind/body/spirit issues that keep you from showing up in the world the way you would like to?
We are a group of trained Integral Coaches™ who come with decades of our own personal and professional development. We’ve also experienced our own versions of spiritual, emotional and physical dis-ease and despair, so we know first hand what is required to regain a sense of equilibrium.
Our strategy for well-being is simple: We are committed to co-creating loving community that skillfully supports people on their journey from suffering to thriving. We do this in a number of ways:
Live on-site and participate in the Ringwood Community for one week. Share meals together, meditate, enjoy regular bodywork, coaching and inquiry sessions and generally sink into an immersive experience of being looked after in a way we rarely, if ever, experience. Conversations will be aimed at uncovering the particular ways your suffering manifests and what keeps you from living the life you both long for and know you’re capable of. We’ll use Integral Coaching™ as the overarching framework to guide your transformational journey, but we have many other healing modalities to draw upon and weave throughout our time together. By the end of the week you’ll be clear on where you are and where you’re headed. You’ll leave with clear objectives and practices that begin to build the competencies you’ll need to embody a new of being in the world, and you will have made some friends along the way. Ongoing body work/coaching sessions can be booked on request.
Live on-site and participate in the Ringwood Community for one week each month for three months. Share meals together, meditate, begin regular bodywork/movement sessions, and spend both formal time (coaching/inquiry sessions) and informal time (meals, dialogue, relaxation) getting to know one another. Contribute (when/as willing and able) to day-to-day upkeep and requirements of the house and it’s occupants. During the period between residential visits each guest will be invited to return to Ringwood for weekly infusions of community and support. These will be scheduled in consultation with each individual and take the form of meals, bodywork, coaching, etc. It’s possible that we may suggest working with one or more additional practitioners. If this suggestion is acted on we are happy to assume a liaison role and act as advocate if/as required. Week One: You’ll settle in. We’ll attend to you. We’ll be sensitive to whatever process you are in, while at the same time invite connection so that we can begin to get to know each other in a deeper and more soulful way. Conversations will be aimed at uncovering the particular ways your suffering manifests and what keeps you from living the life you both long for and know you’re capable of. We’ll use Integral Coaching™ as the overarching framework to guide your transformational journey, but we have many other healing modalities to draw upon and weave throughout our time together. By the end of the week you’ll be clear on where you are and where you’re headed. You’ll leave with clear objectives and practices that begin to build the competencies you’ll need to embody a new of being in the world, and with the knowledge that you are supported and held by people that deeply care about you and your wellbeing. Week Two: Return to Ringwood for another infusion of live-in community and support. Rest in the rhythm of the house and be nourished by the collaborative approach aimed always at alleviating suffering. Body/movement work, coaching and inquiry sessions continue. Additional practitioners may be recommended at this juncture. Week Three: This is completion week. Part of the seven days will include a two day residential retreat on a private 165 acre waterfront property on Gambier Island. Multi generational in nature, this gathering is aimed at grounding the felt sense of community at yet a deeper level. Members of the outreach community are invited to join together to explore the potential for rich exchanges beyond the structure of the Ringwood programs – but still within the web! Guests are invited to bring their deepest dreams of community and to share their vision in a sacred container held in love and possibility. Circle time, mealtime, nature time, quiet time… enjoy a true reprieve from the rigors of everyday life. Back at Ringwood, the intimacy continues. Ground gained is acknowledged and celebrated. What’s next is identified. Lessons learned by everybody are shared. For some, continuing on in a formal coaching program is desirable. Regardless, a personal development plan for the coming months is established. The objective is to solidify our time together in whatever way makes sense. Perhaps a spontaneous ritual is developed, or something a little more structured. Either way, we recognize the importance of completion before another chapter can begin.
This package is our most affordable offering…
Who we are:
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Amy Phillips is a Consultant and Integral Master Coach™ based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her company, Aim True Enterprises Inc., was founded in 2002 after a 10-year administrative career at the University of British Columbia. With a passion for creating healthy, welcoming environments and an intuitive ability to create order out of chaos, she found project management in the construction field a natural progression. And while she remains grateful to the many benefits this career Path has afforded her, it is all in service of a greater love—one of wellness—for herself, for others, for organizations, and for the planet. This love has inspired many diverse explorations, most recently the expanded services on offer at the Healing House on Ringwood Avenue.
John Stoddart, health coach, educator, advocate, and certified Integral Master Coach™ is based in Ottawa and Vancouver, Canada. As a former filmmaker and TV producer, John made documentaries on disability rights, created Vancouver Film School’s award-winning documentary program, and was director of their foundation film program and Capilano University’s television studio. His unique approach to coaching and healing harnesses the power within his clients to develop optimum health, quality of life, and productivity. He is dedicated to the application and growth of health coaching within medicine and the healing arts.
Barry Davison
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