I had a therapy session with Andrew Feldmar a few months ago. We hadn’t seen each other for a while but I was a regular client between 2004-2009. I still check in from time to time, and according to his records we’ve spent about 240 hours together. Not that much in the greater scheme of things, but his words of wisdom are never far from my heart and mind. I call them Feldarisms.

One of Andrew’s standing queries is “What do you want more of; what do you want less of; and what’s just right?” These seem like reasonably straightforward questions but they’ve been more like a Zen koan for me. What DO I want more of, less of, etc.?

I listened to an interview with Joe Dispenza recently. It’s called A Formula For Healing the Body with the Mind. Joe is an author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor who had a breakthrough with his own healing after getting run over by a truck in 1986. He suffered multiple spinal injuries and experts recommended surgery as the only option. Instead Joe chose to explore using his mind to activate the innate healing abilities of his body. Within twelve weeks he was healed.

The podcast is 47 minutes long but I found it riveting. (Health is definitely something I want more of!) Joe has refined the techniques he discovered and has gone on to teach it with remarkable results. 

A large focus of the training is helping people learn to live from heart centered emotions created in the present, rather than the limited thinking that comes from the past. Joe claims that 70% of the time people are living in fear, anxiety, frustration, impatience, judgment, unworthiness, pain, suffering, guilt and shame. These emotions are all a record of the past. We are essentially waiting for something outside of us to take away our pain or emptiness inside.

Quantum, on the other hand, is about causing the desired effect. People learn how to tap into heart centered emotions such as gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, forgiveness, love, joy for existence and inspiration. The intention is for people to fall in love with their future. To bond with it. And to imagine it occurring in the present moment.

Once the heart is open it begins to deliver energy to the brain and coherence develops between them. Combine these elevated emotions with a clear life intention, focused in the present moment, and magical things begin to happen. People feel less lack, less separation, less pain. They experience their future as already happening. 

This interview with Joe brought together so much of what I’ve learned (and forgotten) over the years, including the importance of dreaming big dreams. It encourages me to craft a vision for my future that is compelling enough to draw me forward. 

Mapping the future is a recurring theme at the moment. I’ve been exploring Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map, a process designed to help us hone in on what she calls our core desired feelings. She underscores the importance of finding exactly the right words or phrases that resonate with our soul’s yearning. I’m still working on mine but the word I got out of Joe’s talk is coherence

So, to be very clear with the universe at this juncture…

I want more coherence in my heart, mind and spirit. I want more gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, forgiveness, love, joy for existence and inspiration. And I want more depth, passion, mystery and adventure. 

I’ve enrolled in a program called Lifebook to help me craft a vision for my future. The curriculum guides participants through a review and subsequent design of the twelve key areas of life that the founders, Jon and Missy Butcher, have identified. The couple are so committed to their vision of transforming one million people’s lives with this offering, that the $500US fee is refundable at the end of the program, as long as the core material has been covered. The next round starts September 2nd.

Do you have (or are you interested in creating) a future you can fall in love with? Let me know, I’d love to hear!




  1. I’ll be watching the podcast… good article, great information for future learning. Thanks Amy! xx

    • Wonderful to hear from you, Monique! Thank you for your comments ❤️ Let me know what you discover for yourself! Love, Amy xox


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